ROCK 区福利 | ROCK Category Benefits
ROCK ticket includes
1. 严格禁止 2 岁或以下儿童入场。14 岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同,并需购买全价票。10 岁或以下儿童以及孕妇禁止进入站立区。
2. ROCK(自由站立区): 购票时系统不会分配任何的排队序号。演唱会当天将采取先到先得的方式入场。
3. C1 - C3 为对号入座区。所有座位均由系统分配“下一个可得到的座位”。购买前请仔细检查您的座位位置、活动及演出日期。
4. 门票按先到先得的原则发放,视供应情况而定。除活动取消、延期或由主办方决定的特殊情况外,所购票不可取消、不可更改且不可退款。
5. 每张门票都附有唯一的二维码(仅限一次性使用),入场时将对其进行扫描。请不要在互联网上发布或分享您的电子门票,以免他人伪造使用。
6. 只有在购票前注册会员 才能获得 SP 会员积分。Star Planet 会员必须在购买过程中填写您的有效身份证号(NRIC)才能获得会员积分(RM1 = 1 积分). 会员资格只开放予马来西亚国籍。
7. 价格以马币报价并且还未附加 RM4 Booking Fee(未包含 8% SST)。
8. 每笔交易将收取 RM10 手续费(未包含 8% SST)。
9. 丢失或损坏的门票将不予受理。
10. 如遇活动取消、延期或场地及内容有重大变更,我们将尝试使用提供的联系方式通知购票者。但购票者有责任确认活动状态。主办方或活动管理方不对因活动变更所产生的任何差旅、住宿或其他费用承担责任。
11. 所有其他门票预订和活动条款及条件始终适用。主办方保留不经事先通知进行更改或修改的权利。
儿童必须在 95 厘米以下才能购买价值 RM50 的无座位儿童票,而身高超过 95 厘米的儿童必须按价格档购买门票。儿童票仅在演出当天现场售票。
如需购买轮椅使用者座位,可致电 Star Planet 星艺娱乐 +603 92233667 购买门票。
1. Strictly no admission for children aged 2 years or below into the venue. Those under 14 must be accompanied by an adult and require a full-priced ticket. Children aged 10 and under, as well as pregnant ladies are NOT permitted in Standing Zones.
2. ROCK (Free Standing Zone): No queue number will be assigned upon ticket purchase. Gate admission will be on first-come, first-served basis.
3. C1 - C3 are numbered seating. All seats are allocated by the system as the "Next Available Seat." Please review your seat location, event, and performance date carefully before purchasing.
4. Tickets are issued on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to availability. Ticket(s) bought are non-cancellable, non-changeable, and non-refundable except for event cancellations, postponements, or special cases as determined by organiser.
5. Each ticket is attached with a UNIQUE QR code (one-time use only) which will be scanned upon venue admission. Please refrain from posting your e-ticket(s) online or share it with others to prevent forgery.
6. Please note that Star Planet Membership points will only be granted if you register membership BEFORE your ticket purchase at Star Planet members must fill in your valid Identity number (NRIC) during buying process in order to receive membership points (RM1 = 1 point). Membership is open for Malaysian only.
7. Prices are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia & exclude RM4 Booking Fee (exclude 8% SST).
8. There will be a RM10 Operational Fee (exclude 8% SST) applicable per transaction.
9. Lost or damaged ticket(s) will not be entertained.
10. In the event of cancellation, postponement, or significant changes to the venue or content, we will attempt to notify purchasers using the provided contact details. However, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to confirm the Event’s status. The Organiser or event management is not liable for any travel, accommodation, or other costs incurred due to event changes.
11. All other ticket bookings and event terms and conditions remain applicable at all times. The organiser reserves the right to make alterations or changes without prior notice.
Child Ticket:
Children must be shorter than 95cm to be eligible for child ticket at RM50 without seat, while children at height above 95cm must purchase ticket according to price tier. Child tickets will only be available for purchase at the venue on show day.
Wheelchair-accessible Ticket:
Wheelchair-accessible seating is available. For assistance, wheelchair users may contact Star Planet at +603 92233667 for ticket purchases.
爷青回!最杀唱跳至尊男团 Energy 再掀狂潮
《一触即发》巡演 405 将引爆吉隆坡 Axiata Arena 室内体育馆
睽违 20 年,华语乐坛最具传奇色彩,最“杀”的舞蹈男团 Energy 即将于 2025 年 4 月 5 日,晚上 8 点在吉隆坡 Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil 举办备受期待的《一触即发》巡回演唱会!
《一触即发》巡演台北、高雄四场门票均瞬间售罄,台北举行的签票会挤爆台北信义商圈,更签名到半夜三点,尽显 Energy 超高人气。去年于新加坡举行签票会,9 千多位歌迷挤爆现场! 人山人海! 魅力喷发! 现场像是卷进 Energy 的狂热炫风! 演唱会场外数百名热情粉丝自发集结就在场外集体 16 蹲! 形成壮观的应援景象。 伴随着熟悉旋律,他们整齐划一地跳起 Energy 的经典舞步「16蹲」。 从高空俯瞰,如同一片奔涌的律动海洋,热情感染全场! 而演唱会新加坡站正式演出同样盛况空前,全场开麦唱跳,完美征服观众!
即将到来的吉隆坡站,将延续这股热潮,呈现与 Energy 相匹配的震撼舞台:主舞台融现代科技与经典元素于一体,配合顶尖灯光设计、动态影像以及多层次舞台布局,打造极致的视听盛宴,令人期待不已!
演唱会将重现《放手》、《某年某月某一天》、《无懈可击》、《多爱我一天》等经典金曲,并首次现场演绎新专辑《分合》和《星期五晚上》。Energy 表示,此次巡演是对歌迷的特别回馈,也是音乐旅程的新起点,希望 Energy 的音乐不仅陪伴过去,更传承未来,与歌迷一同感动、展望、再出发。
Energy 由牛奶、坤达、书伟、阿弟和 Toro 组成,2002 年出道即以动感舞蹈和鲜明音乐风格迅速成为华语顶尖男团。《放手》掀起青春风暴,《Come On》更以大胆旋律和张扬歌词,成为他们的音乐态度代表作,并荣获音乐风云榜最佳单曲,成为无数青少年的青春记忆。
除劲歌热舞外,Energy 的情歌也同样出色,2003 年的《多爱我一天》至今仍是经典。专辑《无懈可击》更在亚洲创下销量奇迹,并入围金曲奖最佳重唱组合奖,奠定了其乐坛地位。作为华语乐坛的标志性团体,Energy 的成功不仅在于音乐,更在于对舞台的极致追求,他们的街舞编排和舞台表现,为华语乐坛注入了全新视觉体验,成为舞台标杆。
2023 年,Energy 重返舞台,与相信音乐合作推出新专辑《Here I Am》,延续活力风格并融入嘻哈、摇滚和舞曲元素。《星期五晚上》更以“16蹲”舞步风靡全球社交媒体,荣登台湾及新加坡 KKBOX 新歌即时榜首,MV 上线十天点击破 168 万!
Energy 回归后势不可挡,近期网络媒体票选 2024 人气团体,目前正以近 30 万票荣登冠军宝座; 《星期五晚上》成为 YouTube 2024 年度热门音乐影片排行榜冠军,点击也冲破 2800 万次! 更成为音乐串流平台 KKBOX 的华语舞曲冠军!
售票倒计时:1 月 21 日正式开抢!
由 Star Planet 星艺娱乐主办,Live Nation 协办,Energy《一触即发》巡回演唱会-马来西亚站的门票将于 2025 年 1 月 21 日,中午 12 点正式公开发售。
无论您是当年伴随 Energy 成长的忠实粉丝,还是首次接触他们音乐的新粉丝,这场演唱会都将是一次无与伦比的音乐旅程,带来关于梦想与坚持的深刻共鸣。
The Highly-Anticipated Energy “IMMINENT” World Tour
Set to Electrify Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil on April 5
After 20 years, the legendary Taiwanese boy group Energy, renowned for their electrifying performances and iconic dance moves, is set to stage their highly anticipated “IMMINENT” World Tour on April 5, 2025, at 8 PM at the Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil.
This announcement has generated immense excitement among fans, particularly those who have eagerly awaited their return. With over 20 years of achievements in music and performance, Energy remains a cultural icon, continuing to inspire and energize audiences across generations.
Energy “IMMINENT” World Tour has already taken the global music scene by storm, with all four shows in Taipei and Kaohsiung selling out instantly. The Singapore gig further amplified this success, captivating audiences with flawless live vocals and electrifying dance choreography. The tour has also sparked the viral “16 Squat” phenomenon, where passionate fans gathered in unison to perform Energy’s signature choreography, creating a stunning visual display of unity and energy.
The Kuala Lumpur leg promises to uphold this high level of excitement, offering fans an unforgettable live music experience. The concert will feature a cutting-edge stage production blending modern technology with classic elements, including world-class lighting, dynamic visuals, and a multi-layered stage design for a spectacular audiovisual experience.
Energy’s setlist will include timeless hits like “Let Go,” “One Day,” “Invincible,” and “Love Me for Another Day,” alongside the highly anticipated live premieres of tracks from their latest albums, “Reunite” and “Friday Night”. Energy has expressed excitement for the tour, calling it a tribute to their fans and a key milestone in their journey. Their music celebrates the past while inspiring the future, reviving memories, creating new ones, and embracing fresh beginnings with their fans.
The Epic Journey: From Fame to Renewal
Energy, consisting of members Milk, Kunda, Shuwei, Edy and Toro, has been a groundbreaking force in Mandopop since their debut in 2002. From the immediate success of their debut single “Let Go” to the rebellious anthem “Come On,” which won them the Best Single award at the TOP Chinese Music Awards, Energy has consistently made a powerful impact on the music industry.
The group’s ballads, including the timeless classic “Love Me for Another Day,” have cemented their place in the hearts of fans. Their album “Invincible” achieved record-breaking sales and earned a Golden Melody Award nomination, solidifying their position as trailblazers in the music scene. Known for their innovative live performances, Energy redefined Mandopop concerts, blending intricate choreography with visually stunning productions.
In 2023, Energy made a triumphant return with "Here I Am", blending hip-hop, rock, and dance. The single "Friday Night" became a viral sensation, with the "16 Squat" dance challenge taking social media by storm and the music video surpassing 1.68 million views in just ten days. Energy's comeback has been remarkable, recently topping online polls as the most popular group of 2024 with nearly 300,000 votes. Their hit "Friday Night" led YouTube's 2024 Most Popular Music Videos chart, surpassing 28 million views, and became the top Mandarin dance track on KKBOX.
Ticket Sales Launch January 21 – Don’t Miss Out!
Organized by Star Planet and co-organized by Live Nation, tickets for Energy “IMMINENT” World Tour in Malaysia will go on sale January 21st, 2025, at 12 PM.
Energy promises an unforgettable concert experience, filled with inspiration, nostalgia, and the unwavering spirit of ambition and perseverance. This will be a celebration of their legacy and a glimpse into the future of their extraordinary musical journey.
For more details, visit
ROCK 将以先到先得的方式入场,不会分配排队序号。
1. 一 (01) 张票仅限一人,一次入场。
2. 入场时必须出示纸质或电子票(必须显示所有信息,包括二维码、活动信息和订单号)。电子门票一律不接受截图 / 图片格式。
3. 遗失、被盗或被滥用的门票将不予更换或重新发放,即使您有购买凭证。购票者应全责妥善保管自己的门票。
4. 售出的门票恕不退票或换票。
5. 主办方或票务代理对售出门票的任何遗失或损坏概不负责。
6. 入场时,顾客可能会受到包包检查或身体搜查,以确保所有出席者的安全。
7. 严格禁止以下行为或物品,任何违反行为可能会被驱逐出场。被没收的物品将不退还:
8.只有通过 或 购买的票才有效入场。通过未经授权的卖家或倒卖者购买的门票将被禁止入场,且不予赔偿。
9. 主办方保留拒绝入场或驱逐任何表现出不当行为、扰乱秩序或违反任何条款和条件的顾客的权利,且不予退款或赔偿。
活动定于晚上 8 点开始,请准时或提前入场。
所有其他门票预订和活动条款及条件始终适用。主办方保留不经事先通知进行更改或修改的权利。欲知更多详情,请浏览 。
Admission Policy:
ROCK gate admission will be on first-come, first-served basis on event day, no queue numbers will be assigned.
1. One (01) ticket admit 1 person, 1 time only.
2. Printed or e-tickets must be presented for entry and must display all required details, including QR code, event information, and transaction number. Screenshot / image format of e-ticket(s) will NOT be accepted.
3. Lost, stolen or misused ticket(s) will not be replaced or reissued, even if you have proof of purchase. Ticket purchaser is fully responsible for their own ticket.
4. Tickets sold are not refundable or exchangeable.
5. The Organiser or ticket agent shall not be liable and responsible for any loss or damage on tickets sold.
6. Patrons may be subject to bag checks or body searches upon entry to ensure the safety and security of all attendees.
7. The followings are strictly prohibited and may result in ejection. Confiscated items will not be returned:
NO video or audio recording and live streaming during the performance.
NO electronic devices except mobile phones and power banks.
NO outside food and beverages inside the venue.
NO stainless-steel items, cans, glass bottles, lasers, noise-making devices or obstructive items, offensive slogans or advertisements, selfie sticks, gimbals, tripods, monopods, large baggage, foldable chairs, non-retractable umbrellas, helmets, alcohol, drugs, smoking and vaping.
8. Only tickets purchased through or are valid for entry. Tickets bought from unauthorized sellers or scalpers will be barred without compensation.
9. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry or expel any patrons exhibiting unruly behaviour, disruptive conduct, or actions that breach any terms and conditions, without refund or compensation.
Late Admission Rules:
The event is scheduled to start at 8:00pm, so please enter the venue by or before then.
Artist’s performance times are subject to change without prior notice.
Late arrival may result in non-admittance until a suitable break in the performance.
Tickets must not be resold or offered for resale at face value or a premium over the face value of the tickets or used for advertising, promoting or other commercial purposes (including competitions, contests and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods/services under any circumstances.
All other ticket bookings and event terms and conditions remain applicable at all times. The organiser reserves the right to make alterations or changes without prior notice. For more information, check out